Gentla Hatha
River StudioA slow-paced class that emphasizes breath, relaxation, balance, and stretching. Focuses on alignment and building strength and balance at a gentle pace.
A slow-paced class that emphasizes breath, relaxation, balance, and stretching. Focuses on alignment and building strength and balance at a gentle pace.
High intensity 1.5-hour drill and play sessions that allow players to improve existing skills and then put them to the test in various game situations. This course is divided in 45-minute segments. 45 Practice and [...]
High intensity 1 hour drill and play sessions that allow players to improve existing skills and then put them to the test in various game situations.
In this intense fitness class, players will engage in fast-paced drills and scenarios to maximize their workout. Designed for experienced players and physically fit individuals, participants should be ready for a demanding session.
High intensity 1.5-hour drill and play sessions that allow players to improve existing skills and then put them to the test in various game situations. This course is divided in 45-minute segments. 45 Practice and [...]
Happy Hour is a staple at RSC and one of our most popular non-instructional programs. Players will compete in fun games for the entire hour. This is a great way to practice and work on [...]
Live Ball offers an engaging doubles game. The game is coach fed , eliminating the need for serving. This allows you to play 4 times as many points and truly maximize your time on court [...]
This program focuses on improving match strategies for players. Participants will learn different methods to outsmart various opponents and will practice these strategies in real game situations.
Turbo Tennis offers fast-paced, coach-fed singles that provide an excellent workout and practice in various singles scenarios. Players will quickly rotate, enabling them to play significantly more points than in a regular singles game.
This Movement focused class prioritizes frequently overlooked muscles which are essential for mobility and practical strength. Learn to push, pull, lunge, squat, bend, twist (and more!) properly while adding isometric holds and dynamic patterns to [...]
1 Donald Street | Ottawa, Ontario | K1K 4E6 | 613-749-6126